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(104) stories found containing 'ffa'

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 104

  • Banking on her future

    LuAnn Schindler, Publisher|Oct 2, 2024

    Shaylie Kester envisioned a future as a veterinary technician. After working as a student teller at Cornerstone Bank's Clearwater branch, the Summerland FFA member is consider a career change. "This experience opened my eyes to the world of finance and made me realize how much I enjoy working in the field of business. Now, I plan to pursue a career in something on the financial side, like ag business." Kester, who serves as the local chapter president, initially considered showing fair cattle...

  • Field Work

    LuAnn Schindler, Publisher|Sep 25, 2024

    Part 2 in a 3-part series As a member of a farm family, Braelyn Bergman understands the basics of agriculture, the hard work and long hours it takes for seeds to sprout into a sustainable product. This summer, through a Supervised Agricultural Experience for FFA, Bergman has developed a new appreciation for work farmers provide. Summerland FFA Advisor Jacob Goldfuss said Bergman's project involved renting four acres of land from her dad, Ryan, and planting and raising a corn crop. Originally, Be...

  • Five Summerland FFA members receive ribbons at area range judging

    Sep 25, 2024

    Summerland FFA sent 24 members to the Area 5 range judging contest, held south of O'Neill, on Sept. 19. Advisor Jacob Goldfuss reported, "Everyone did great and learned." In the senior division, out of 102 participants, Shaylie Kester, Ethan Kester and Logan Kester placed in the top 25 and received a green ribbon. The senior division team, comprised of the three Kesters and Carter Bergman, received seventh place. In the junior division, out of 169 participants, Breckyn Bergman place 20th and...

  • FFA members earn range judging medals

    Sep 18, 2024

    On Sept. 12, 26 Summerland FFA members attended the West Holt range judging competition south of Atkinson. In the junior division, Breckyn Bergman placed sixth out of 236 competitors. The junior division team, comprised of Bergman, Taylen Nilson, Marlin Krysl and Savannah Gallagher placed eighth. Ethan Kester finished in the top 25 in the senior division. One hundred fourteen students competed in the division. Kester, Jenna Funk, Clair Krysl and Shaylie Kester comprised the senior division team...

  • FFA supervised experiences give students real-world opportunities

    LuAnn Schindler, Publisher|Sep 11, 2024

    For several Summerland FFA students, school never is out of session, even during summer months. Through a Supervised Agriculture Experience, FFA members are able to explore career options and learn about workplace life. Summerland FFA Advisor Jacob Goldfuss said, "Essentially, it is some type of job or project that an FFA member should have to help them learn skills and knowledge that they can use in the classroom and in FFA contests." The sky's the limit when it comes to a job or project for an...

  • Photographer's business continues to grow

    Sep 11, 2024

    Reprinted with permission from The Elgin Review Jane Schuchardt Special to the Elgin Review Sometimes your lens into the future gets polished by local mentors. Such is the case for Jamie Thiele, Clearwater, and her robust photography business. Relaxing over a cup of coffee for a few minutes after getting her two little ones, Charlie, 7, and Landrie, 6, off to school at Summerland near Ewing, Thiele claims she's a product of her second moms, Sue Vanis, Elgin, and Kim Grossnicklaus, Neligh. Of cou...

  • Dinsdale Foundation supports county youth enrichment center campaign

    Jul 17, 2024

    The Antelope County Youth Enrichment Center Capital Campaign Committee recently announced the project has been awarded a grant from the Roy and Gloria Dinsdale Foundation. Gloria and the late Roy Dinsdale, executive chairman of Pinnacle Bancorp, Inc. and founder of Pinnacle Bank, established the foundation. “This transformative gift will not only meet the needs of our communities, but also pave the way for a brighter future. It will provide space for 4-H and FFA poultry and rabbit exhibits, as well as shooting sports, enhancing the o...

  • Following in grandma's footsteps

    LuAnn Schindler, Publisher|Jul 3, 2024

    Since she was a young girl, Luci Koinzan has dreamed of the moment she would be named rodeo queen. The dream became reality, Friday, when the Neligh native was announced as Miss Clearwater Rodeo 2024. "It's going to be a journey," she said. "I'm excited to start." Koinzan's path to becoming rodeo royalty is dusted in the footprints of her grandmother, Sandi Stroheide Koinzan, the first Miss Clearwater Rodeo, crowned in 1976. "I'm proud of her. It's a dream she's had," Sandy Koinzan said. It's...

  • Sweethearts of the rodeo

    Jun 26, 2024

    A new Miss Clearwater Rodeo Queen will reign over the 57th annual Clearwater Big Rodeo. Three contestants - Jozlyn Anderson, Luci Koinzan, and Aubrey Blackburn - will compete for the title. The three will start competition Friday, at 2 p.m., on rodeo grounds. Queen contest chairman Devon Baum said contestants will be judged in multiple areas, including personality, appearance and horsemanship. Contestants will compete in the horsemanship portion of the contest, which includes a reining pattern,...

  • Saying Goodbye

    LuAnn Schindler, Publisher|May 8, 2024

    While a few tears flowed Saturday, most of the members of the Summerland Public School class of 2024 beamed during commencement exercises held in the main gym. The Summerland band played the processional. Adyson Mlnarik and Superintendent Kyle Finke welcomed faculty, family and guests. Pastor Mark Hoffman urged the class to live their best lives before leading the assembly in prayer. A packed house watched 19 students receive diplomas and listened to words of wisdom from co-valedictorians...

  • Class of 2024

    May 8, 2024

    Scholarship Recipients CHRISTIAN BEHNK UNL Husker Power Scholarship UNL O & G Kammerer Scholarship Paul D. Cooper Scholarship KELTON BRUHN Northeast Community College Livestock Judging Scholarship ALANNA DOLL Creighton University Award Scholarship Menard Family Business Scholarship Father John Labaj Scholarship The John Greer Memorial Scholarship Timothy J. Thramer Memorial Scholarship AISLYNN KESTER NECC Scholastic Contest Waiver Clearwater Chamber of Commerce Scholarship Scott L. Reynolds...

  • SAM staff bring home 23 contest awards, place second in Class A sweepstakes

    May 1, 2024

    Summerland Advocate-Messenger personnel brought home 23 awards from the 2023 Better Newspaper Contest for the Nebraska Press Association. Awards were presented Saturday evening, at the awards banquet held at the Cornhusker Marriot Hotel in Lincoln. SAM finished second in Class A, which includes weekly newspapers with a circulation up to 699 subscriptions. The Stanton Register won the division. In advertising categories, publisher LuAnn Schindler won seven awards. An ad featuring financial services at Brunswick State Bank, promoting FFA Week,...


    Apr 24, 2024

    PROCEEDINGS SUMMERLAND PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD OF EDUCATION April 15, 2024 Summerland Public School Board of Education met in regular session, Monday, April 15, 2024, at 7 p.m. President Steve Thiele called the meeting, which was advertised in the April 10 newspapers,to order at 7 p.m. Thiele noted the Open Meetings Act posted in the board room. Attendance was taken. All board members were present: Ed Nordby, Nate Schwager, Scott Thiele, Steve Thiele, Austin Twibell, Jeremy Wagner. Motion by Twibell, seconded by Schwager, to approve the agenda as...

  • CTE organizations have outstanding showing at state conventions, competitions

    LuAnn Schindler, Publisher|Apr 24, 2024

    This month, three career and technical education organizations at Summerland Public Schools have attended state conventions, giving students an opportunity to show knowledge gained in the classroom and compete in a variet of events. FFA The Summerland FFA Chapter attended its state convention, in Lincoln, April 3 to 5. Two students received gold medals, including Jenna Funk in cooperative speaking and Braelyn Bergman, discovery speaking. Two groups received silver awards. The Conduct of Chapter...

  • Melcher receives State degree

    Apr 17, 2024

    A Summerland FFA student received a state degree, April 5, at the Nebraska State FFA Convention, in Lincoln. Ashley Melcher, of Page, received the honor. State degree candidates must meet a checklist of requirements, including being an active chapter member for the past two years, holding Greenhand and Chapter FFA degrees, completing at least two years of agriculture classes and at least 25 hours of community service in at least two different activities. Students must also present earnings,...

  • Letter to the editor

    Mar 20, 2024

    Dear editor: I would like to express my support for our teachers and coaches/sponsors at Summerland Public Schools. I want you to know, as a parent, I have the utmost confidence in your abilities to continue to teach our children. My trust is in your hands to continue with your jobs. Even though things at the top seem to be in disarray, I need you to PLEASE hang in there! Have confidence in your own abilities to continue doing what you are doing ... providing our kids with a great education....

  • Proceedings Summerland Public School Board of Education

    Mar 20, 2024

    PROCEEDINGS SUMMERLAND PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD OF EDUCATION March 12, 2024 Summerland Public School Board of Education held a regular meeting, March 12, 2024, at 7 p.m. President Steve Thiele called the meeting, which was published in the March 6, 2024, newspapers to order at 7 p.m. Thiele noted the Open Meetings Act posted in the boardroom. Roll call was taken. Members present: Ed Nordby, Nate Schwager, Scott Thiele, Steve Thiele, Austin Twibell, Jeremy Wagner. Motion by Twibell, seconded by Nordby, to approve the agenda. Voting aye: Nordby,...

  • Isms: Original views on life from rural America

    LuAnn Schindler, Publisher|Mar 6, 2024

    What a great time to be a Bobcat! Our students are shining in all activities. Backtrack to November when the volleyball team qualified for state competition and the football team played in two rounds of the playoff system. Nothing like starting the year off on the right foot. The marching band did well at competition in Wayne. Speech and drama students continue to earn awards. Next week, the speechsters compete in a tough C2 district, a trip to the state meet on the line. I have a feeling...

  • Local FFA chapter president builds on his rural roots

    LuAnn Schindler, Publisher|Feb 21, 2024

    When Gavin Whiting was a freshman at Summerland Public Schools, he decided to attend the kickoff meeting for a new activity - FFA. "I didn't know much about it ... It sounded like fun, so I figured I'd give it a try," said Whiting, who resides on a farm southwest of Ewing. That was two years and multiple FFA experiences ago. Since then, Whiting has participated in a variety of agriculture classes at Summerland Public Schools, participated in FFA leadership and career activities and currently...

  • FFA students qualify for state

    Submitted article|Dec 14, 2023

    District 4 Leadership Development Events were held Dec. 6 at Lutheran High Northeast. Summerland FFA advisor Jacob Goldfuss said the local chapter took took 20 members and they all did very well. "There are 20 schools in our district and each chapter can send two individuals or teams for every contest, so to get top three and make it to state is quite hard," Goldfuss said. In addition to the two teams in the photos, several individuals qualifed or will be an alternate for state. Jenna Funk got...

  • Bearinger, Krebs receive UNL Schuchardt scholarship

    Dec 7, 2023

    Kierra Bearinger, a 2020 graduate of the last senior class of Clearwater High School, and Kirsten Krebs, a 2021 Elgin Pope John High School graduate, have been named winners of the Schuchardt Family Scholarship for the 2023-2024 academic year. Bearinger, the daughter of Jarod and Tammy Bearinger of Clearwater, graduates in spring 2024 with a degree in elementary and early childhood education in the College of Education and Human Sciences. She completes her second-grade student teaching at...


    Nov 23, 2023

    APPROVED BILLS SUMMERLAND PUBLIC SCHOOL Amazon Capital Services, Inc., sup, 81.27; Amazon Capital Services, Inc., sup, 73.29; Amazon Capital Services, Inc., sup, 21.06; Amazon Capital Services, Inc., sup, 39.17; Amazon Capital Services, Inc., sup, 6.87; Amazon Capital Services, Inc., Library books, 18.00; Amazon Capital Services, Inc., sup - mental health grant 795.50; Amazon Capital Services, Inc., sup, 60.74; Almquist, Maltzhahn, Galloway & Luth, 2022-2023 audit, 14,350.00; Black Hills Energy - Clearwater, nat gas, 45.01; Builder’s R...


    Nov 23, 2023

    PROCEEDINGS SUMMERLAND PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD OF EDUCATION Nov. 14, 2023 Summerland Public School Board of Education met in regular session, Tuesday, Nov. 14, 2023, at 6 p.m., in the school’s board room. President Steve Thiele called the meeting, which was advertised in the Nov. 8 papers, to order at 6 p.m. Thiele noted the Open Meetings Act posted in the board room. Roll call was taken. All board members were present: Ed Nordby, Nate Schwager, Scott Thiele, Steve Thiele, Austin Twibell, Jeremy Wagner. Motion by Wagner, seconded by Twibell, to app...

  • Ag-ceptional accomplishment: Melcher first Summerland FFA student to receive American Degree

    LuAnn Schindler, Publisher|Nov 16, 2023

    Madison Melcher turned her story into FFA history. The 2022 Summerland Public School graduate is the first FFA chapter member to receive the American FFA Degree, according to advisor Jacob Goldfuss. Melcher made the historic walk across the stage, Nov. 4, at the 2023 National Convention, in Indianapolis, during the awards ceremony. "I am honored to be the first FFA American Degree recipient from Summerland FFA. I am so grateful that Mr. Goldfuss pushed me to apply. He was always there if I had...

  • Scholarship available for ag students

    Nov 2, 2023

    The Organic Crop Improvement Association of Nebraska invites qualified high school or college students to apply for the 2024 Organic Agriculture Scholarship Program. These scholarships, each valued at $500, are designed to empower students pursuing degrees or certificates in agriculture, with a special emphasis on organic crop and livestock production, marketing and processing. Applications will be accepted through April 1. To qualify, a student must be a current FFA member or former member, maintain a minimum grade-point average of 3.0 on a...

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