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Donations welcomed for Clearwater Veterans Park

When you think of the word "veteran," who comes to mind? For many Clearwater residents, the term may be associated with a family member, a next-door neighbor or a teacher who bravely served this great nation. These veterans have earned undying gratitude for the sacrifices made.

Last summer, a group of civic-minded residents began discussions to create a spot honoring area veterans. The first step: painting a mural on the south wall of the library on Aug. 19. That task was followed with designing Veterans Park and strategic planning for raising funds.

In April, the Clearwater Chamber of Commerce donated $25,000 to complete concrete work. The organization plans to donate another $25,000 after the 2024 Rodeo.

To date, flagpoles with flags representing each branch of service have been erected, benches put in place and signage installed.

Additional items that will be added to the park include a bronze statute of a kneeling solider and a granite monument listing the names and branch of service for Clearwater-area servicemen and women. Landscaping work will also need to be completed.

A local veteran will donate a monument which will describe a veteran.

To continue the project, we need your help. First, if you have a veteran - living or deceased - in your family, please send the name and service branch so names may be placed on the monument.

And, we're seeking financial support to finish the project. The cost to add the statue and monument will run approximately $50,000. Your donation will help us put the finishing touches on the Veterans Park. Would you be willing to join us by donating?

If you wish to contribute, you can do so by contacting Michelle Stearns, 402-929-0003; Linda Hankla, 402-750-2384; or Kate Ahlers, 402-750-3794. Donations may also be deposited in the Veterans Park account.

Every dollar given toward the Veterans Park will take us one step closer to our goal recognizing and honoring area veterans. Please support the Clearwater community by becoming involved.


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