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Western Oil Company purchases Hi-Way Mart

The double glass doors at Clearwater's Hi-Way Mart have seen a lot of traffic. Through flooding and severe weather, holidays and ordinary days, the convenience store, located at 303 Highway 275, has been a community mainstay.

When owners Joe and Carol Thiele locked the doors for the final time on Aug. 31, it was bittersweet. For nearly 25 years, the Clearwater couple spent early morning hours opening the shop. Late-night hours were involved, too, keeping the "well-oiled machine" running on a daily basis.

Through the years, they'd been approached about selling the business.

None of the offers, in the couple's opinion, would have been in the best interest for their employees or the community.

Then, Western Oil Company, came courting.

As of Sept. 1, the family-owned business, from Valentine, acquired the business.

According to Jeremy Homan, regional manager of Western Oil, the Danielski brothers started the company.

"Mike Danielski and his brothers started as farmers and then got into the gas station business," Homan said.

Currently, Western Oil Company owns 44 convenience stores.

"All but two of those locations are in Nebraska," Homan said.

While customers may see a few changes in the store, it'll be business as usual.

"For the forseeable future - the next three to five years - I don't think there'll be a lot of changes," Homan said.

New hours went into effect Saturday, with the mart open daily from 5:30 a.m. to 10 p.m.

The station will still offer Sinclair fuel.

The only change we might make is there might be a Speedee Mart sign show up on the front of the building," Homan said. "The big green dinosaur will stay out front."

Food items will still be available.

Homan said, "What they have here works well. I hear it all the way up and down highways 275 and 20, this is the best hamburger within 100 miles."

A fryer may be added in the future.

Chantel King and Maria Swanson will manage the store.

Homan said Western Oil Company will be community oriented, as they are in the other communities they serve.

"That's very important to us, too," he said.

The transition has gone smoothly, according to Homan.

"We felt fantastic about buying from Joe and Carol and they felt really good about selling to us. Joe's known Mike Danielski for 30 or more years," Homan said. "There may be a few bumps in the road the first week, but we will do our best."

Homan credited the Thieles for building a strong business presence, not only in Clearwater, but throughout the region.

"Joe and Carol have built a great business here in a great community and we'd be fools to change that. We have big shoes to fill."

To learn more about Speedee Mart, visit the Facebook Page or the website,


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