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Doerr appointed to county weed authority board

Antelope County Commissioners approved a new member of the county weed authority board during its Feb. 1 meeting.

Gordon Doerr, a retired farmer from the Brunswick area, was appointed to fill a vacancy on the board following the resignation of Bill VanBrocklin of Creighton.

Commissioners also approved appointments to the planning commission. Dave Miller, Oakdale; Ron Thiele, Clearwater and Kurt Rakow, Neligh, will serve three-year term.

Corey Curtis, Royal, and Derek Zuhlke, Plainview, will each serve three-year terms on the board of adjustment.

In other business, commissioners:

• approved two promotional grants, including the Oakdale Q150 and Neligh Chamber of Commerce for the Antelope County Ag and Home Expo. Both will receive $350.

• denied the potential closing of 848 Road in Burnett Township and tabled an obstruction in the right-of-way resolution.


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