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-Isms: Views on life in rural America

"Wear sunscreen.”

That is the first piece of advice given in “The Sunscreen Song,” a list of recommendations to the graduating class of 1999, set to music by Baz Luhrmann.

It’s solid advice. Trust me, I wish I’d taken the same guidance when my mom pounded it into my head. I kinda, sorta listened, but when you’re 18, you think you’re invincible, that you are way smarter than everyone else, and you’re going to live life on your terms.

I get it.

Here’s my advice to you, members of the class of 2024.

Be curious. Be willing to learn, even if it’s something you don’t think you’re interested in at this moment. Someday, you’ll be standing in the kitchen, trying to figure out how to make a substitution in a too-high-calorie, multi-step recipe and you’ll rely on a piece of information that, when originally discovered, you deemed useless.

Be curious about how things work, about the human condition and why some people are careless with your heart when you place all the trust and love in the world in theirs.

Be courageous. Be willing to try something new, something difficult, something crazy fun.

Forgive. Don’t spend your days being angry and bitter, because if you do, you’ll eventually spiral into a mindset that fosters hate and division. It’s unhealthy and time consuming.

And, ask for forgiveness. Don’t be afraid to admit when you make a mistake. Winners in life own their goof-ups, no matter the size of error.

Buy good shoes. Invest those hard-earned dollars in something that provides support and comfort. Your legs carry you everywhere and need to be taken care of.

Eat the cake. And the pizza and nachos and chocolate-chip cookies. It’s okay to indulge and treat yourself from time to time.

Find one or two friends who are true to you, no matter what. Invest in those close relationships. It’ll pay off in the long run.

You can have all the money in the world and still be morally and spiritually bankrupt. Money doesn’t grow on trees, it takes hard work and blood, sweat and tears to earn it.

Have a sense of humor. Find the light side in all situations. It makes life so much easier. A good chuckle or belly laugh brightens all days.

Know that life isn’t perfect and never will be. Don’t set the bar for perfection too high, otherwise, you’ll always be disappointed. Set realistic goals and learn to worry less, be happy more.

And definitely, use sunscreen, the higher SPF, the better.


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