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-Isms: Original views on life from rural America

Since Scott and I have been married, we've had one pet, a chocolate lab named Copper. When she died a few years ago, the thought of bringing another pet into our home never crossed our minds. How could she be replaced? She'd been a loyal companion ever since someone dropped her off in our driveway at the farm.

A few years ago, Elizabeth and I suggested we adopt a dog from the local shelter. The newsroom could use a news hound. Someone to keep us company while we pound out the paper on deadline day and beyond.

That suggestion did not go well with Scott, who was quick to let us know there would be no news pup or shop cat.

So, here we sit, sans pets ... except for the feral momma cat and her two remaining kittens who have taken up residence between our house and the Hanklas.

Do we need a pet? Or more to the question, do we have the time and energy for a pet? The resounding answer from both of us is no.

I hadn't given the second question much thought until I read Kenny Torrella's article in Vox, "The Case Against Pet Ownership." He references Jessica Pierce's book, "Run, Spot, Run: The Ethics of Keeping Pets." In her book, Pierce talks about the dark side of pet ownership, including abuse, animal hoarding, puppy mills, dog fighting and more.

And, she focuses on the more common forms of neglect pets experience, including inadequate veterinary care, unhealthy diets and confinement.

According to a 2022 survey, one-fifth of all pet owners responded they were considering giving up their pets, primarily due to inflation.

Where's the commitment?

If we're going to have a fur baby, it needs time and attention. While I've always had a pet, whether it be a cat, dog or chinchilla. If I don't have time to devote to it, I don't want to subject it to a life of boredom.

For now, we'll fawn over our family members' pups and kittens.

No news hound here, unless it's of the stuffed animal variety.


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