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Defendants face judge on assault, disturbing peace charges

Brennon J. Coleman, 39, of Neligh appeared in front of the Honorable Donna Taylor in the Antelope County courtroom in Neligh on March 15 for first hearing on a Class 3A felony, third-degree domestic assault, second offense.

Coleman requested court-appointed counsel. Taylor appointed Martin Klein of Neligh. Preliminary hearing is set April 5. Bond was set at $20,000, 10% cash, with conditions including no contact with alleged victim and written permission from resident where he intends to reside. Coleman was remanded back to the custody of Antelope County sheriff Bob Moore, pending posting of bond.

According to a probable-cause affidavit filed by Moore, a search for the defendant following the alleged March 12 assault was unsuccessful. Coleman allegedly fled before officers arrived. He was located by Moore the following morning, hiding in a closet at his residence, and was arrested with no resistance.

Katelynn Westley, also known as Katelynn Marker, 25, of Stromsburg faced Taylor, alongside her court-appointed attorney, Dennis Moreland of Norfolk, for arraignment on an amended complaint charging her with three counts of disturbing the peace, all alleged Jan. 26. The amended complaint, filed by Antelope County Attorney Joseph Smith on March 14, added a third count with a third victim. Westley pleaded not guilty to the charges and requested jury trial. Pretrial hearing is set April 19.

Doug E. Lewis, 57, of Norfolk appeared for pretrial hearing, alongside his attorney Ron Temple of Norfolk, on Count I, third-degree assault, a Class 1 misdemeanor, and Count II, disturbing the peace, a Class 3 misdemeanor, both alleged Aug. 21 in Tilden. The hearing was continued to April 19, on a defense motion.

Breanna McNutt, 23, of Norfolk appeared alongside her court-appointed attorney, Frederick Bartell of Norfolk, for a hearing on allegations she violated probation. The hearing was continued to May 17, at the request of both parties. Taylor reminded McNutt that she remained on probation and must comply with all terms and conditions

McNutt was sentenced to an eight-month term of probation April 6, 2022, for her conviction of third-degree assault and criminal mischief. The violation charge stems from an alleged positive drug test (methamphetamine and amphetamine) on Nov. 9, 2022.

An amended violation document filed Feb. 8 also alleges violations occurred Jan. 30 and Jan. 31. She allegedly tested positive for amphetamines, methamphetamine and marijuana when she appeared in Madison County court for a juvenile matter Jan. 30. The probation officer also alleged she had requested permission, Jan. 31, to go to treatment out of state and was advised to attend her scheduled hearing Feb. 1, to request permission from Taylor. The probation officer indicated he had later learned she did not attend the hearing and had left the state without permission. A warrant was requested for her arrest.

Ryan J. Pelster, 25, of Petersburg did not appear to show cause why Taylor should waive a 30-day jail sentence set to begin April 1.

Taylor noted a letter was received from Pelster’s probation officer indicating no objection to the waiver and she observed he may have mistakenly understood he did not have to appear, based on that letter.

However, she ordered, “In order to have his jail sentence waived, he was required to appear.”

The matter was continued to April 5, when Taylor said he must appear.

The waiverable jail time was ordered Oct. 19, when Pelster was sentenced to an 18-month term of probation for his conviction of a Class 1 misdemeanor, operating a motor vehicle to avoid arrest, and a Class 2 misdemeanor, second-degree trespassing, both committed June 11.

Matthew J. Wright, 48, of Oakdale appeared for a show-cause hearing to have his 30-day jail sentence waived. Taylor found good cause was shown and waived the jail time. He was reminded that he remains on probation and is subject to all terms.

The waiverable jail time was ordered by Taylor Nov. 16, 2022, as part of Wright’s 12-month probation for his conviction of two counts of first-degree assault, committed July 2.


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