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Norfolk man sent to Holt County district court on eight felonies

A written waiver of preliminary hearing was filed Dec. 16 in the Holt County court by Adam J. Mittelstaedt, 45, of Norfolk on eight felony counts. Mittelstaedt is charged with a total of 13 offenses alleged Nov. 18 in O’Neill.

He is represented by Holt County public defender Rod Smith.

The Honorable Kale Burdick bound Mittelstaedt over to the Holt County district court, where he is set for Jan. 9, 2023, arraignment on the following felony counts:

Counts I, II, III and IV, possession of a firearm by a prohibited person, Class 1 D felonies;

Count V, possession of a firearm during commission of a...


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