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Meeting and budget proceedings Village of Clearwater Board of Trustees


Village of Clearwater BOARD OF TRUSTEES

Sept. 14, 2022

The Board of Trustees of the Village of Clearwater met Wednesday, Sept. 14, at 7:30 p.m., in the fire hall meeting room for a hearing on the 2022-2023 fiscal year budget and regular meeting. budget hearing opened at 7:31 p.m. Notice of Meeting was given in advance by publication in Summerland Advocate-Messenger and notice was given to board members prior to meeting. Public was informed of location of Open Meeting Act poster.

Present: Kevin Filsinger, Steve Hankla, Kelly Kerkman, Jeff Schlecht, Cody Kester. Others present: Kate Ahlers, Troy Behnke, Kyle Petersen, Lauren Sheridan-Simonsen, Regina Krebs, Angie Hupp.

Public discussion was held with accountant Regina Krebs regarding the budget for the 2022-2023 fiscal year. budget hearing was closed at 7:39 p.m.

Tax request hearing was opened at 7:39 p.m. Public discussion was held regarding the village tax asking for the 2022-2023 fiscal year. Valuations went up 24%. Tax request hearing was closed at 7:41 p.m.

Regular meeting opened at 7:41 p.m.

Approved minutes of regular meeting Aug. 8, 2022. Approved minutes of special meeting Aug. 15, 2022. Approved treasurer’s report. Late water bills presented. No customers received disconnect notice this month.

Approved increase of 1% in base of restricted funds.

Approved fiscal year 2022-2023 budget.

Approved budget Resolution 2022-3 finalizing tax request levy and adopting budget appropriation.

Approved fiscal year 2022-2023 budget as published and presented at budget hearing.

Approved getting village credit card and having attorney put together a policy.

Approved tabling agenda item 10, discussion regarding Automated Dairy concrete bill on Main St., until end of meeting.

Discussion held regarding interest by Jay and Tina Snider to purchase more land from village by their shed at 806 Montana St. Approved opening discussion with Sniders to sell land, with possible easement for corner of baseball field.

Village still waiting on USDA and Miller & Associates to finalize lagoon project.

Approved paying Miller & Associates claim #22 0807 for $23,001.85 in construction phase costs during wastewater project, pending USDA approval.

Approved paying Cornerstone Bank interest of $35,825.89. Village agreed to pay interest before receiving approval from USDA, but approval will still be required.

Approved paying Miller & Associates claim #22 0817 for $1,500 in administrative costs for phase one of NAHTF duplex grant project.

Approved paying Curt Thiele $500 for assisting in setting the lift station generator.

Approved waiving three readings of Ordinance 2022-14 setting wages for maintenance operator Troy Behnke. Approved Ordinance 2022-14 setting wages for maintenance operator Troy Behnke at $23 per hour.

Approved canceling maintenance cell phone and paying Behnke $50/month stipend for personal cell phone use.

Approved purchasing a welder for the maintenance shop. Behnke to shop around and spend no more than $3,825.

Approved contract with City of Neligh to utilize their water operator to take monthly water samples for six months.

No sheriff’s report was presented. Economic report presented.

Maintenance report presented. Approved Kate Ahlers’ resignation as maintenance operator effective Sept. 30, 2022. Ahlers is retiring but will continue to assist village on an as-needed basis.

Park, library and clerk reports presented.

Unfinished business discussed. New business presented.

Approved paying Grimes Asphalt bill when received if it matches the quote.

Approved entering executive session at 9:14 p.m. to discuss potential litigation and to protect public reputation.

Approved closing executive session at 9:31 p.m.

Approved reimbursing Automated Dairy Specialists $1,777 for misunderstanding regarding concrete work in front of Main St. building.

Discussion held regarding comp time for Behnke.

Approved Orval’s Auto Service claim of $3,556.95. Approved remaining claims and payroll. Claims: $396,301.76; Wages: $6,367.84.

Meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m.

A complete copy of the minutes is available at the clerk’s office during regular business hours.

Angie Hupp,

Village Clerk

Published Sept. 22, 2022



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