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July 11, 2022

The Ewing Village Board of Trustees convened in regular session, July 11, 2022, at 7 p.m., at the city hall. Notice of the meeting was published July 6, 2022, in the Summerland Advocate-Messenger. An agenda was kept current and on file at the village clerk’s office.

Chairman, James Ramold, called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. Notice was given to the posted location of the open meetings law.

Board members present were Kane Fry, Dustin Jorgensen and James Ramold. Bill Graber arrived at 7:25 p.m. Absent: Dustin Wright. Also present were Don Ruroede, LuAnn Schindler, Jennie Kozal of Miller & Associates, Kent Stallbaum, Alan Potter and Sharon Swails.

Items approved:

Minutes of the June 13, 2022 regular meeting;

June bills as presented: NE Dept of Revenue, sales tax, 419.27; FTPS (employer share), soc sec/med 582.49; One Call Concepts, locates, 14.32; Bud’s Sanitary, trash (191 @ 13.75), 2,626.25; Black Hills Energy, util, 250.81; Elkhorn Public Power, util, 2,270.78; Great Plains Comm, util, 288.24; Summerland Advocate, pub, 78.45; Fly By Night Fireworks, fireworks, 1,880.00; Rotherham Service, fireworks, 1,120.00; McNally Law Office, February billing, 300.00; Econo signs, signs, 69.17; Ewing Family Foods, sup, 84.37; Ewing Feed & Supply, sup, 202.20; Independent Pest Mgmt., spray fire hall, 90.00; Westend Mini Mart, pickup/police/mowers, 481.92; Verizon, cell phone/police, 82.84; Bader’s Highway and St., one-half bill, taring cracks, 17,786.00; Post Office, water samples/postage, 148.55; NE Public Health Env. Lab, water/well samples, 522.00; Comfort Inn, conf - Sharon, 192.00; Dana Cole & Co., bal of audit bill, 2,300.00; One Office Solution, office sup, 81.98; Lazy T Tire, rep walker mower, 1,882.10; Schilousky Lawn Care, Memorial Park sprinklers, 150.00; Sharon Swails, mileage - conf, 203.95; Sharon Swails, cleaning sup, 9.70; Wages, gross wages, 7,197.09; Alan Potter, ins allow, 500.00;

Water project: Miller & Associates, prof services, 2,500.00.

Other items approved:

Building permit #2022-2 for Larry Peters;

Building permit #2022-3 for Mark and Teresa Walton;

Resolution #414 approving and adopting the comprehensive plan;

Statutory rule requiring an ordinance to be fully and distinctly read on three different days be suspended;

Ordinance #439 of the Village of Ewing, NE, adopting zoning regulations a zoning map and an extraterritorial zoning jurisdiction map for the Village of Ewing, NE, pursuant to Neb. Rev. Statute §19-901, providing when said ordinance shall become effective and repealing all ordinances in conflict herewith;

Forms required for grant application:

A. Certification of chief elected official for application;

B. Excessive force certification;

C. C1: State of assurance and certification;

D. C2: Citizen participation plan;

E. D: Residential anti-displacement and relocation assistance plan;

F. Kla: Waiver of procurement process request;

G. Klb: Waiver of procurement process request;

H. Procurement procedures and code of conduct;

Stay with the original purchase offer for the school properties;

Proceed with putting the 1% sales tax on the November ballot.

Meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m. Complete set of minutes on file at the village office.

Sharon Swails, CMC

Ewing Village Clerk

Published July 28, 2022



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