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July 13, 2022

The Board of Trustees of the Village of Clearwater met in regular session, Wednesday, July 13, at 7:30 p.m., in the fire hall meeting room. Meeting opened at 7:30 p.m. Notice of Meeting was given in advance by publication in Summerland Advocate-Messenger and notice was given to board members prior to meeting. Public was informed of location of Open Meeting Act poster.

Present: Kevin Filsinger, Steve Hankla, Kelly Kerkman, Cody Kester. Others present: Jeff Schlecht, Kate Ahlers, Kyle Petersen, LuAnn Schindler, Lauren Sheridan-Simonsen, Jim Thiele, Angie Hupp.

Approved nomination of Jeff Schlecht as new board member replacing Steve Stearns. Schlecht read oath of office.

Approved regular minutes and treasurer’s report for June.

Late water bills presented. Two customers received disconnect notices.

Discovered generator purchased for lift station is too small. Approved purchase of larger one through same company who will remove old and install new generator.

Approved program guidelines for NAHTF grant project.

Approved waiving three readings of Ordinance 2022-11. Approved Ordinance 2022-11 changing intent of large lot residential district in zoning regulations from village limits to jurisdiction.

Approved sending courtesy letter to owners of vacant properties informing them of new vacant property registration.

Approved creating resolution for vacant property registration fees. Residential and commercial fees will begin at $250 and double every six months, up to ten times the original amount.

Approved $500 transfer from economic savings to economic checking for operating expenses.

Approved fiscal year 2022-2023 agreement with City of Neligh to contract economic development director services for annual sum of $14,586.08.

Discussion held regarding increasing board member pay. Rates are in the same range as other villages, so leaving alone for now.

No sheriff’s report.

Economic development report presented. Approved applying for rural services grant through NNTC for telehealth room with $5,000 match.

Maintenance, park, library and clerk reports presented.

No attorney report presented.

Unfinished business included discussion regarding creating a food truck ordinance after truck parked, without approval, at park during rodeo. Attorney will present one at August meeting.

New business presented.

Approved Orval’s Auto claim. Hankla abstained. Approved KF Repair claim. Filsinger abstained.

Approved remaining claims and payroll. Claims: $42,075.46; wages: $8,558.37.

Meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.

A complete copy of the minutes is available at the clerk’s office during regular business hours.

Angie Hupp,

Village Clerk

Published July 21, 2022



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