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Ewing trustees learn about economic opportunities

Judy Petersen, executive director of the Central Nebraska Economic Development District, met with Ewing Village Board of Trustees, Monday, during the board's monthly meeting.

CNEDD offers business, community and economic development services to a 14-county area.

Petersen provided background information on projects the district is currently working on, including broadband and livestock concerns.

A livestock survey, asking about the need for small, local meat processing facilities, is available for residents to complete online at

CNEDD personnel would be able to assist the village with applications for large-scale projects, including community development block grants.

According to Petersen, CDBG projects require a 10% local match. The minimum amount to request via the program is $250,000.

In other business, trustees:

• approved the purchase of a traveling sprinkler to be used in Schmidt Park;

• authorized the purchase of a new computer system for the village office;

• tabled discussion on the cemetery project, which will including entry improvements, rebuilding pillars at the entrace and a computerized mapping system; and

• approved liquor license renewals for Westend Mini Mart and Sanders American Legion Post #214.


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