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Proceedings Village of Clearwater Board of Trustees


Sept. 13, 2021

The Board of Trustees of the Village of Clearwater met in regular session Monday, Sept. 13, at 7:30 p.m., in the fire hall meeting room. Meeting opened at 7:28 p.m. Notice of Meeting was given in advance by publication in Summerland Advocate-Messenger and notice was given to board members prior to meeting. Public was informed of location of Open Meeting Act poster.

Present: Kelly Kerkman, Steve Hankla, Steve Stearns, Kevin Filsinger, Mike Klabenes. Others present: Lauren Sheridan-Simonson, Kate Ahlers, LuAnn Schindler, Regina Krebs, Joe McNally, Bill Thiele, Tom Thiele, Cody Kester, Dick Kester, Rodney Brabec, Doug Sanne, clerk Angie Hupp.

Approved regular minutes, special minutes, hearing minutes and treasurer’s report for August. Late water bills presented.

Approved moving up agenda item 10, final tax request hearing.

Opened public hearing at 7:32 p.m. No public comment was presented. Closed hearing at 7:37 p.m.

Approved Resolution 2021-07 setting final tax levy request. Approved 2021-22 budget as published. Approved increasing base of restricted funds by one percent.

Approved 2020-21 single audit to be performed by Schumacher, Smejkal, Herley & Elm, P.C. for $14,800.

Approved paying Miller & Associates $21,603.77, pending USDA approval. Approved paying Cornerstone Bank $30,507.86 in interest, pending USDA approval.

Approved USDA grant agreement in the amounts of $861,000; $350,000 and $330,600 for wastewater project. Approved USDA loan resolution for $1,798,000 for wastewater project.

Approved rezoning agricultural land in the NW ¼ of Section 6, T25N, R7W of the 6th P.M., Antelope County, Nebraska, belonging to Steve and Kathleen Ahlers, to residential.

Approved Resolution 2021-05, selling the West 105.50 feet of the East 145.50 feet of Lot 3, Contois Subdivision, Village of Clearwater, Antelope County, Nebraska, to Jaci Bruhn for $4,999.

Approved transferring $4,999 in LB840 funds from economic savings to economic checking to pay village for Jaci Bruhn land.

Approved building permit for Bill Kester. Approved building permit for Mike Klabenes.

Economic development report presented. Clearwater received a $221,000 grant to build a duplex.

Approved moving up agenda item 27, attorney’s report. Entered executive session at 8:09 p.m. Exited executive session at 8:36 p.m.

Approved moving up agenda item 28, sending nuisance violation letters. Approved hiring off-duty law enforcement officer to put together list of violations in town to present to board.

Approved transferring $276.31 from economic savings to economic checking for Blade & Bliss digital façade grant payment.

Maintenance report presented. vandalism a problem at park bathrooms. Approved hiring Fin Folk to clean water tower if company is recommended by Neb. Rural Water.

Library report presented.

Approved interlocal agreement with Antelope County for law enforcement services.

Park report presented.

Tabled replacing spotlights at Main St. flagpole and pouring concrete along Main St. curb.

Clerk report presented. Approved paying Reinke’s Farm & City Service half the bill for warranty labor.

Approved transferring $5,548.16 from grant checking to general checking to rectify mistake from State of Nebraska deposits.

Approved Orval’s Auto Service claim. Hankla abstained.

Approved Hunter Klabenes payroll. Klabenes abstained.

Approved all other claims. Claims and payroll:

Wages: $6,172.94

Bills: $603,457.91

Meeting adjourned at 10 p.m.

A complete copy of the minutes is available at the clerk’s office during regular business hours.

Angie Hupp,

Village Clerk

Published September 23, 2021



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